

Deadlines are the difference between a ribbon-cutting and a budget crisis.

在海厄利亚校区增设停车场, 迈阿密 Dade College turned to 澳门足彩app for the design-build of a parking garage with ground floor occupied space, 两个地面地块和一个中央能源工厂. 临时停车租约即将到期, the project faced an aggressive completion date that was quickly in jeopardy by scope changes during design development.


The garage design was coordinated with the construction of another building designed by another firm so 澳门足彩app closely managed the design schedule to provide parallel concepts. 在图表, 停车项目从900个增加到1个,050 spaces requiring another entire parking level that was incorporated into the next design deliverable to keep the project on schedule. 晚些时候, 当必须使用另一个预制供应商时, 澳门足彩app presented value-工程 solutions that offset the overage.


哈斯克尔又赚了200美元,000 in savings through value 工程 — money that the college reinvested into project upgrades prior to completion. The aggressive deliverable dates on parking and utilities were achieved without disruption to student activities and helped the school avoid significant penalties.

  • Garage design was developed to complement features of the new buildings on campus
  • Scope included a new parking garage, two new surface parking lots and a Central Energy Plant
  • Garage totaled 377,000 SF, including 1,050 parking spaces and 12,000 SF occupied space
  • Associated Builders and Contractors, 佛罗里达 First Coast Chapter, Excellence in 建设 Award
副总裁,细分市场领导者,规划 & 发展


...This project was complex consisting of both an aggressive schedule and occurring concurrent to other campus construction on a fully active campus. 沟通水平, attention to client needs and coordination provided by the 澳门足彩app Team exceeded expectations, 提供不间断的施工进度, no disruption to student activity and successful completion of this complex project."

Neyda年代. 奥特罗
中央能源厂内部的照片. 水色发生器.

...This project was complex consisting of both an aggressive schedule and occurring concurrent to other campus construction on a fully active campus. 沟通水平, attention to client needs and coordination provided by the 澳门足彩app Team exceeded expectations, 提供不间断的施工进度, no disruption to student activity and successful completion of this complex project."

Neyda年代. 奥特罗
从停车场的窗户往外看. 5号寻路标志在视线中.

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